A white paper, well written can be an excellent marketing tool.
So how can you make the best of this opportunity to engage your reader's attention?
Here are 7 simple rules to guide you.
1. Create an engaging solution-focused title. 2. Focus on benefits. Use your white paper to engage your readers' interest and gain their support by providing high quality evidence based research. 3. Show your customer how you can solve their problems and make life easier for them. 4. Speak their language. Use NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to appeal to readers across all sensory modalities. 5. Use up to date references to make your white paper a valuable educational resource. Ideally, references should be less than five years old. 6. Include infographics. Research shows that using infographics that combine both words and pictures is a much more effective way to communicate than either words or images alone. 7. Use your own branding discreetly. The last thing you want is for your white paper to come across as a pushy sales document. Be subtle. Use your white paper to engage your customer's interest. The sales conversation comes later.
Anne Watkins
Hi, I'm Anne, welcome to the Copy and Ink blog. |